Il Semeion ha creato algoritmi in grado di individuare la forma di una frana nella sua attuale estensione e prevederne l’evoluzione.
Sono stati prodotti due brevetti:
Target Diffusion Model (T.D.M.): An algorithm to model the causation process of a discrete process. Applicant: Semeion Research Center & CSI. Inventor: P.M. Buscema. USA Patent: 13/070,854. Deposited 24 March 2011.
Twisting Theory (TWT): a new theory and a new class of Algorithms able to model the global deformations of the space, considering the trajectories of only a little sample of points along the time flow. Applicant : Semeion Research Center & CSI. Inventor: P.M. Buscema. USA Patent : 12/969,887 . Deposited 16-Dec-2010.
Collabora con: Engineering Faculty – University of L’Aquila
V. Massimi, M. Asadi-Zeydabady, P.M. Buscema, D. Dominici, W. Lodwick, L. Simeoni
The contribution of Artificial Adaptive System to limit the influence of systematic errors in the definition of the kinematic behavior of an extremely-slow landslide
in Engineering Geology, Available online 30 December 2015.